A yellowing of the skin and eyes that is caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown substance that results from the breakdown of old red blood cells. If this waste is not removed from the bloodstream by the liver, as it should be, a backup of bilirubin in the blood occurs, producing a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. The urine may be darker than normal, while the stools may appear lighter. This disorder is not a disease in itself, but it is a sign of any one of several liver or blood disorders. Among them; cirrhosis of the liver, pernicious anemia, and hepatitis. Jaundice can also be a sign of obstruction in the path of the flow of bile in the form of a tumor, a gallstone, or inflammation. The liver detoxifies metabolic wastes, ammonia ( a by-product from too much protein intake), insecticide/pesticide residues, drugs, alcohol, and thousands of other toxins, poisons, and heavy metals. It is extremely important to cleanse the liver of toxins and nourish the body with high quality and easy to assimilate foods.
  • Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in flushing toxins, chemiclas, heavy metals and other posions out of the liver and gallbladder. We suggest using formulas that use organic, whole herbs. If interested, take a look at the Liver and Gallbladder Formula and Liver Rescue III+.
  • In the morning, we suggest drinking the liver flush; 8 oz. Apple juice (or dilute with water), 3-6 cloves of raw organic garlic, 1-2 inches of raw organic ginger root, mix well in blender. This drink may help flush the liver of toxins.
  • Eat a well balanced diet of 75% or more raw foods and fresh “live” (just squeezed) juices. This will give the body highly nutritious and easily absorbable whole foods which gives much more energy and builds immunity.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) has been shown to significantly reduce blood glucose levels in patients with liver problems and restore levels of thiamine pyrophosphate, an essential co-factor in intermediary metabolism, to normal levels in chronic liver disease patients. -Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 13(2), 1978, p. 133-138 AND Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, 6(1), January-February 1991, p.59-60. Vitamin A deficiency has also been linked to liver disease. In one study, it was found that 9 out of 11 patients with cirrhosis of the liver were Vitamin A deficient. When they began supplementation, 7 of those 9 patients experienced significant improvements. Hepatology, (4), July-August 1981, p. 348-351 We suggest a high quality whole food supplement, like VITAFORCE™ that is complete and made from whole foods. Also, eat brown rice, legumes, peas, kelp, dulse, plums, spirulina, raisins, broccoli, asparagus, and most nuts.
  • Take organic, unfiltered flax seed oil and primrose oil. There is typically an imbalance of essential fatty acids associated with liver problems.
  • Consume at least 8 glasses of distilled water throughout the day (not at meals) to help flush out toxins.
  • Get plenty of rest and do not over-exert yourself.
  • Get at least 15-30 minutes of fresh air and sunshine (if possible) a day. This will help to re-invigorate you.
Things to Avoid:
  • All Animal Foods: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, ice cream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasy foods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats which have a very damaging a draining effect on the body.
  • Salt, tobacco, caffeine, sodas, coffee, sugar, and refined white flour (breads, pastas, cereals- replace with whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals). These products are extraordinarily destructive to the body.
  • Do not take any drugs except those prescribed by your doctor. Drugs cause severe damage to the liver, because it has to keep these poisons from entering the blood stream.
  • Do not consume alcohol in any form.
  1. James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” (1997)
  2. R. Hassan, et al. “Effect of Thiamine on Glucose Utilization in Hepatic Cirrhosis,” Journal of GAstroenterology Hepatology, 6(1), January-February 1991, p.59-60
  3. J.E. Rossouw, et a;., “Red Blood Cell Transketolase Activity and the Effect of Thiamine Supplementation in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease,” Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 13(2), 1978, p. 133-138
  4. H.F. Herlong, et al., “Vitamin A and Zinc Therapy in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis,” Hepatology, (4), July-August 1981, p. 348-351
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